Ofgem published its 2018-19 Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) report on Wednesday 18 December. Registrations for the
FiT scheme shut on 1 April 2019, and the report covers the final FiT year from April 2018-March 2019. In
the final year of the scheme there were 28,998 new installations, a 24.5% increase from the previous year.
There was an increase of total capacity from 6.02GW to 6.21GW, and the value generated from FiT
payments rose from £1.38bn in year eight to £1.41bn in year nine. This year was also the first time FiT
mutualisation was triggered in Q2 periodic levelisation as a result of missed payments. This required
compliant and partially compliant suppliers to make up the shortfall in the periodic levelisation round.
